$11,700 purchase price for Integrity, a 30-year old, 30-foot sailboat;
later renamed Echo II after the boat Pope’s dad lived on, Echo
1,097 miles on the Intracoastal Waterway--a series of
channels and rivers just inside the Atlantic coast—from its start on lower Chesapeake
Bay to where we will leave it in Miami; at press time, we had reached mile 980!
5.5 mph, average speed of Echo II when motoring down the
waterway; can increase to 7 mph with jib sail up and wind behind us, or decrease
to 3 mph when current and wind disagree with us (do the math--1,097 miles at this speed...)
176 heart-stopping moments when the water shallowed up suddenly
under the boat, according to the depth sounder (this is an estimate; there may
have been more); an experienced sailing captain we met suggested: “Turn off
your depth sounder, so you can relax and enjoy the trip!”

176 gray hairs earned and awarded
1 time running aground, requiring a tow from Towboat US
(like AAA for cars), in Troup Creek, central Georgia
1 engine breakdown, for four days; water pump
replaced, at North Myrtle Beach, S.C.
14 leaks through the deck and ceiling during rain; 7 or 8
successfully patched so far
11 species of "wild" life: dolphin, manatee,
pelican (see photo), teenagers on jetskis, hawk, heron, seagull, anhinga, deer, raccoon, sailors in waterside pubs
44 days in which things on the boat got damp, out of a total
of …. 44 days
50 times a day up and down the companionway ladder between the cabin and cockpit
8 pm bedtime, an hour after sunset; 6 am wakeup, at daybreak (but for the first month, wind, cold, noise, worry, and dampness kept us awake, so we didn’t really get 10 hours of sleep; now, it's just dampness)
8 pm bedtime, an hour after sunset; 6 am wakeup, at daybreak (but for the first month, wind, cold, noise, worry, and dampness kept us awake, so we didn’t really get 10 hours of sleep; now, it's just dampness)
2 folding bikes on board; invaluable for getting provisions in small towns bypassed by major highways, where all the shops
moved miles away from the waterfront
55 miles—longest distance motored in one day on the boat, somewhere in North Carolina and again in Florida
11 miles—longest bike ride, alongside Dismal Swamp Canal, Virginia, where we anchored for the night at the Welcome Center along with four other boats
6-gallon water heater
6 bottles of red wine and 1 bottle of rum consumed in 44 days, including sunset cocktails and four happy hours with relatives and friends, old and new
27 sunsets and 17 sunrises, approximately—I’ve lost track of
where each photo was taken, but this one is sunset over the parkway to NASA's Cape Canaveral launch site; I took it last night
2 oz. of sunblock used during the first 37 days, when the
weather was freezing cold and cloudy; 8 oz. used in a mere 7 days in
8 gallons of denatured alcohol on board for the galley
stove—has to last all winter; they don’t sell it in the Bahamas!
Have I convinced you yet to come on board and join us for a while?
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