Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thank Goodness for Small Favors: Sightseeing by Motor Scooter

Pope took a shower and washed his shirt! Thank goodness!  The other crew members are ecstatic.
But why is he still wearing his shower cap?
To protect his scalp from the cruddy old dilapidated helmets that came with our scooter rentals, he claims.

Off we went, to challenge Pope and Greg's ability to negotiate the steep hills with passengers on the back, and to see more of the island.

Fort Napoleon, dating from the late 1700s (I think; it was all in sophisticated French).
The local livestock kept getting in the road, causing traffic tie-ups.
The scenery from the top of the "mountains" was superb; blue skies, blue water, red roofs, green hills.
Naturally, we found a French restaurant on a beach, serving brochette de poisson (fish) and ... yes, goat curry. And service so slow we pretended we were working in France, enjoying a leisurely two-and-a-half-hour lunch.
Finally, a quick dip in the sea, in a quiet cove at Plage Pompierre (cold showers on the beach). The clear weather held til halfway through our swim, then a light rain. We headed back to the boat (on damp behinds) for afternoon siesta before whipping up a batch of Italian spaghetti in our own galley.


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